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Who I am - personal and professional

After graduating from Edinburgh university in 1991 I undertook the initial stages of my junior doctor training in and around Edinburgh. Between 1994 and 2003 I worked in Derby, Leicester and Manchester to complete my Cardiology training and research MD (in atrial fibrillation).   I spent an unforgettable year with my family in London, Ontario, Canada gaining extensive experience in the field of ablation and learning from world leading experts after which I was appointed to my current consultant position at Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital.
I am married with 3 children which helps to keep my feet on the ground ;) 
Growing up in Scotland I was able to play golf from a young age in beautiful surroundings and this has been a passion that has stayed with me throughout life.  I try to play regularly (work and family life permitting), and enjoy both the sporting and social aspects of golf.  To keep fit I play tennis regularly, exercise in the gym and this year I have taken up yoga.  I like to ski but year on year there seem to be more frequent café stops.

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